The revolution of artificial intelligence and learning in basic education

the case of ChatGPT in the Brazilian context

Keywords: ChatGPT; Physics learning; Students’ education; Teachers’ training


In recent years, the development and popularization of artificial intelligence (AI) has affected human society in such a way that can be considered a revolution. The possibility of increasing productivity in the most diverse areas has attracted the attention of scholars and researchers worldwide. A particular case is ChatGPT, an AI released in November 2022 by the company OpenAI. Its ability to generate texts in natural language on the most varied topics has sparked discussions about its being used or banned from the classroom. In this sense, this work analyzed the opinion of elementary and high school Physics teachers about how ChatGPT can influence Physics learning and student training. The study considered the region where teachers work, the length of service, public or private school type, and the tool knowledge/use. The results suggest that the use of ChatGPT can positively influence Physics learning and student training. However, it also indicates the need for specific training so that teachers can adapt to using the tool.
